HC63 - 12 station
The HC63 offers maximum flexibility for medium to large production runs with upto 6 auto feeding stations depending on your requirements (the standard model comes with 2 auto feeders). With it's quick change tooling the HC63 is suitable for both face sealed blisters and trapped/captive blisters.

Carousel 20S
If your product cannot be loaded in to 4 stations, then the Algus 20S Carousel is the machine we would recommend. It has the same features as the 8SR, except that the rotary dial has been replaced with an indexing pallet system.

Algus U16 Carousel
The U16 offers maximum flexibility. It’s unique modular design allows for multiple machine configurations, alterations and expansions based upon your unique needs and growth. With it’s quick set-up which maximizes production time, the U16 is the machine to take your company’s production to the next level